All recipes with Trifle equipment in the game “My Cafe: Recipes and Stories”
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All recipes with Trifle equipment in the game “My Cafe: Recipes and Stories”

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How many recipes are there with Trifle equipment? What is the composition of Trifle with Whipped Cream and Lemon? What is the Trifle with Chocolate Shavings and HazelNuts? What does Trifle with lemon, hazelnuts and forest berries consist of? We will answer all questions below and give an accurate description of each recipe.


Моя кофейня трайфл

Trifle with Whipped Cream and Lemon


Моя кофейня Трайфл со взбитыми сливками и лимоном

Trifle with Chocolate Shavings and HazelNuts


Моя кофейня Трайфл с шоколадом и орехами

Trifle with lemon, hazelnuts and forest berries


Моя кофейня Трайфл с лимоном, орехами и лесными ягодами

You can also get acquainted with all the recipes in the game “My cafe: recipes and stories” and open them all.

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