My cafe walkthrough
Level 10
The local postman Kevin will drop by. He will ask you to buy a “Green Lava Lamp” and reward him with 3 diamonds. They will also be asked to buy Maneki-neko.
Elsa will ask for “Turkish Coffee with Cardamom” and give 3 diamonds. Over the course of the level, it will also give 3 diamonds.
Cleo asked to install a “Techno Table for four” (the request depends on the style you have chosen!) And will award 3 diamonds.
Petrovich will ask him to drink his Bavarian Coffee and give him 1 diamond, then he will want Megaccino and award him 2 diamonds.
Koffsky asked you to purchase and install “Fireplace” and thank you with 3 diamonds.
Watson will order Chocolate Americano – 1 Diamond Award. Also during the level he will reward you for your help and give 15 diamonds.
Margaret wants a Chocolate Cupcake and will give 1 diamond as a reward.
Bill will order “Hot Chocolate with Ginseng and Lemon” and give 3 diamonds for this. Then he will ask for “Italian-Style Hot Chocolate”.
Mary will thank you and give 5 diamonds and a pink gift.
The reward at the end of the level is 1,000 gold coins.
Cost per level:
- Green lava lamp – 1,500 gold coins.
- Chocolate Shavings – 14,500 gold coins.
- Maneki Neko – 7,500 gold coins.
- Techno Table for four – 4,700 gold coins.
- Hot chocolate Machine – 16,000 gold coins.
- Grazia Stand – 70 gold coins.
- Fireplace – 13,000 gold coins.
- Cardamom 1 piece.
- Ginseng 1 piece.
Total: 57,270 gold coins.
The reward for completing level 10 will be 46 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 2 Pink gifts (Fernando at the beginning gives Mary at the end) and 1 Simple gift from Cleo.
Level 11
Koffsky asks for the recipe Caramel Frappe, Caramel Latte, Spiced Hot Chocolate, for each recipe he gives 1 diamond (Tips for recipes here).
Ben requested Summer Raspberry Cake. Ben will request Cafe expansion №3 and award 3 diamonds.
Kevin will give a simple gift.
Thanks from Ron 3 diamonds.
Mary will ask her to treat her “Tea with galangal, milk and caramel”.
Cleo asks to make “Caramel Latte” and will give 3 diamonds.
Bill asked for “Caramel Frappe” and awarded 1 diamond.
Petrovich wants “Spiced Hot Chocolate”.
Mary will reward 3 diamonds.
The reward at the end of the level is 1000 gold coins.
Cost per level:
- Raspberry cake Display Case – 23,500 gold coins.
- Grazia Stand – 70 gold coins.
- Cafe expansion №3 – 10,000 gold coins.
- Caramel syrup – 23,000 gold coins.
- Galangal 1 piece.
Total: 56 570 gold coins.
The reward for completing Level 11 is 17 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, A simple gift from Kevin.
Level 12
We have a new visitor, Clyde Bowen.
Koffsky asks for the recipe “Vanilla Cappuccino”, “Mint Frappe”, “Vanilla Tea”, “Sweet Americano”, “Strawberry Ice Cream with Cream”, Mojito Cupcake, Paradise Glace, Vanilla Frappe, Lemon and Mint Latte, White Hot Chocolate, Mint Tea, Mint Americano for each recipe gives 1 diamond (Recipe tips here).
Elsa will ask you to make “Mint Tea” reward 1 diamond.
Clyde Bowen wants “Invigorating Tea” and gives 3 diamonds.
Margaret will request a Mojito Cupcake and reward with 1 diamond.
Kevin will need “Mint Frappe” also give 1 diamond.
Mary Ditt asks for the “Strawberry Ice Cream with Cream” reward 3 diamonds.
Clyde Bowen will ask for Ice Cream Latte.
Watson Holmes will demand Vanilla Frappe.
Margaret will want “White Hot Chocolate” and will reward with 5 diamonds and a Simple gift.
Bill will order the Mojito Espresso 3 Diamond Award.
Watson Holmes will wish a “Vanilla Cappuccino” reward 1 diamond.
Mary Ditt will ask to purchase Cafe expansion № 4 and will reward 3 💎.
Clyde Bowen wants to “Retro-Style Jukebox” will give for him 3💎.
Reward at the end of the level of 1,000 coins.
Cost per level:
- Mint – 35,000 gold coins.
- Vanilla syrup – 45,000 gold coins.
- Cafe expansion № 4 – 25,000 gold coins.
- Retro-Style Jukebox – 10,000 gold coins.
Total: 115,000 gold coins.
The reward for completing Level 12 is 36 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, A simple gift from Margaret.
Level 13
Fernando to maintain the image of a successful cafe will advise you to purchase a globe and give 3 diamonds.
Koffsky will request the Black-and-White Muffin recipe and share 1 diamond.
Clyde Bowen will ask for Muffin. You will need to buy a Muffin Display Case.
Watson Holmes will want the Cinnamon Muffin, a reward for 1 diamond.
Clyde Bowen will present a “Pink Gift” and 5 diamonds.
Elsa will order Black-and-White Muffin. In an interview with Mary Ditt and Elsa, Elsa asks Mary Ditt to tell her that if she is silent about this, Elsa will hand over a Pink Gift and 5 diamonds for keeping her secret.
Bill will give 3 diamonds. Elsa will give back 3 diamonds.
Margaret will recommend purchasing the Northen Lights Flooring (each player has his own gender style) and 3 Cube-Shaped Tree. Reward with 5 diamonds.
Reward at the end of the level of 1,000 coins.
Cost per level:
- Globe – 25,000 gold coins.
- Muffin display case – 65,000 gold coins.
- Northen Lights Flooring – 4 800 gold coins.
- 3 Cube-Shaped Tree – 3,600 gold coins apiece.
Total: 105 600 gold coins.
The reward for completing Level 13 is 26 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 2 Pink Gifts.
Level 14
There are no gifts at this level.
The Mayor of the city, Donald Mulligan, will come to you. Ask to treat him “Vanilla Ice Cream with Nuts” and reward 3 diamonds. For this you will need equipment – “Hazelnuts”.
Koffsky will say unravel new recipes: Espresso Con Panna, Nut Cappuccino, Vanilla Ice Cream with Nuts, Aroma Hot Chocolate. For each correct recipe will give 1 💎. (Tips for recipes here).
Holmes wants “Turkish Coffee with Cardamom”.
Koffsky will ask him to lend him 250 diamonds. You will need to talk to Donald. Donald agrees to put in a good word for Koffsky, provided that you make Aroma Hot Chocolate .
Cleo will want a cup of Espresso Con Panna and will reward 1 💎.
Petrovich wants to “Nut Cappuccino” and give 1 💎.
Clyde will ask you to cook Americano with Saffron and Cardamom.
Koffsky will give 3 💎.
Margaret will recommend purchasing a Grandfather Clock. Will give 3 💎.
Donald Mulligan will award 3 💎.
Reward at the end of the level of 1000 coins.
Cost per level:
- Hazelnuts – 75,000 gold coins.
- Topping shelf – 150 gold coins.
- Grandfather clock – 55,000 gold coins.
- Cardamom 2 pieces
- Saffron 1 piece
Total: 130,150 gold coins.
The reward for completing level 14 is 18 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins.
Level 15
A new visitor to the coffee shop will come to you – Jennifer. She works as a secretary to Donald Mulligan. Jennifer will ask to treat her to Tiramisu. You will need the “Tiramisu Display Case” equipment.
Donald Mulligan will award 3 💎.
Ron will ask you to cook Tiramisu with Lemon, 1💎 reward.
Jennifer will award 3 💎.
Bill will ask for “Tea with saffron, galangal and anise”. Reward 3 💎.
Margaret will present a “Pink Gift” and 5 💎.
Jennifer wants “Magic Tiramisu”.
Mary Ditt will order Bahraini coffee with rose, cardamom and saffron.
Jennifer will ask you to install in the cafe “Provence Table for four” and give 25 💎.
At the end of the election:
A blue present will be awarded if Donald Mulligan’s measure is chosen
A pink present will be awarded if you choose Jennifer.
At the end of the level is 1000 coins.
Cost per level:
- Tiramisu Display Case- 95,000 gold coins.
- Provence Table for four – 15,000 gold coins.
- 2 pcs. Saffron
- 1 pc. Galangal
- 1 pc. Anise
- 1 pc. Pink petals
- 1 pc. Cardamom
Total: 110,000 gold coins.
The reward for completing level 15 is 18 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 2 pink gifts or 1 pink and 1 blue gift depending on the choice.
Passage of game My cafe
Level 16
Jennifer pleases us with a Pink Gift.
Koffsky, ask for the Choco Moco recipe, reward 1 💎.
Emily will ask for the Northern Lights Fish Tank and give 3 💎.
Mary will ask you to make “Chocolate Ice Cream with Saffron” and give 3 💎. To do this, you need a “Chocolate ice cream freezer”.
Margaret wants Iced Tea with Tapioca Pearls and Milk.
Watson will give 5 💎.
Petrovich will ask you to prepare “Turkish Coffee with Cardamom”.
Kevin will demand a cup of Bahraini coffee with rose, cardamom and saffron.
Donald Mulligan will want Choco Moco and reward 3 💎.
Clyde Bowen will give 5 💎 for help.
Reward for passing the level of 1000 coins.
Cost per level:
- Northern Lights Fish Tank – 111,000 gold coins.
- Chocolate Ice Cream Freezer – 120,000 Gold Coins.
- 2 pcs. Saffron.
- 1 pc. Tapioca
- 2 pcs. Cardamom
- 1 pc. Pink petals
Total: 231,000 gold coins.
The reward for completing level 16 is 20 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 1 pink gift.
Level 17
Donald Mulligan asks for “Chocolate Cake”. You will need a “Chocolate Cake Display Case”.
Beale wants Americano with Nutmeg and Whipped Cream.
Kevin will need “Turkish Tea with Star Anise” – this will be the quest Notes of smell (Scent of Kevin). More details on the quest can be found HERE!
Kevin will demand “Vanilla Ice Cream with Rose Petals and Cream”, then “Tea with anise, cinnamon and lemon”, then “Americano with nutmeg and Whipped cream” and will award 5 diamonds.
After going through the opening of four recipes at Koffsky, Watson will give a “Pink Gift” and 3 diamonds. (Tips for recipes here).
Jennifer will ask you to purchase “Crystal Wallpaper” and “Crystal Flooring” – a reward of 5 diamonds.
You have to agree with Watson Holmes to save 200💎. Watson will request “Chocolate Cake with Hazelnuts”.
Bill will start asking questions, the quest “Finding Alice in China” – more info HERE!
Fernando wants “Turkish coffee with cardamom”.
Koffsky will thank you for finding Alice and will present you with a “Pink Gift” and 25💎.
Watson Holmes will be grateful for the assistance of the police and will give 5💎.
You will meet Alice Carroll.
Reward 1000 gold coins at the end of the level.
Cost per level:
- Chocolate cake Display Case – 130,000 gold coins.
- Wallpaper Crystal – 39,000 gold coins.
- Crystal Flooring – 25,000 gold coins.
- 2 pcs. Muscat
- 1 pc. Star anise
- 1 pc. Cardamom
- 1 pc. Pink petals
- 1 pc. Anise
Total: 194,000 gold coins.
The reward for completing Level 17 is 43 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 2 pink gifts.
Level 18
A new guest comes to the coffee shop – Henry Dougan, he is a specialist in private investigation. Henry will ask you to make “Mint Tea with Honey and Cinnamon”. You will need the equipment “Honey”.
Koffsky will ask for the Honeycomb Cupcake recipe and reward 1 diamond.
Karl will demand “Honey Cappuccino”, will award 1 diamond.
Donald Mulligan will order Honey Bee Latte and give 1 diamond.
Henry Dougan will order “Tea with Guarana, Cinnamon and Lemon”. He will later award 5 diamonds for assistance.
Cleo will order a cup of “Galangal Tea”.
Elsa will need “Tea with saffron, milk and honey”.
Emily will ask you to cook and give her the Romantic Hot Chocolate.
Koffsky as a thank you will award 5 diamonds.
After the show starts, Clyde Bowen will thank you and give you the “Pink Gift”.
The reward at the end of the level is 1000 gold coins.
Cost per level:
- Honey – 175,000 gold coins.
- 1 PC. Guarana
- 1 PC. Saffron
- 1 PC. Galangal
Total: 175,000 gold coins.
The reward for completing level 18 is 13 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 1 pink gift.
Level 19
In your cafe, a new visitor to Felicia Sturm. She is the editor of the most popular and fashionable magazine in the world.
Emily wants a cup of “Marshmallow Americano”, for this you need to buy “Marshmallows”.
Watson Holmes will order Christmas Latte. Award 1 diamond.
Petrovich will want to try “Super Marshmallow Cappuccino” and will reward 1 diamond.
Mary Ditt will need to hand Felicia Sturm a cup of Aphrodite Tea with nutmeg, rose and cinnamon. Felicia will give 400 gold coins for Tea.
Read more about the quest at level 19 “Mary Ditt’s wardrobe” for applying for a job as assistant editor of the magazine Felicia Sturm HERE.
Mary Ditt will award 5 diamonds.
Clyde promises to tell where the spot on his hat came from behind a cup of “Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon and Mint”.
Alice Carroll will order Winter Evening Hot Chocolate and give 5 diamonds. Then he will give another 5 diamonds.
Felicia Sturm will recommend the purchase of “Cafe expansion No. 5” and will give 3 diamonds.
The reward at the end of the level is 1000 gold coins.
Cost per level:
- Marshmallows – 220,000 gold coins.
- Cafe expansion No. 5 – 50,000 gold coins.
- 1 PC. Guarana
- 1 PC. Nutmeg
- 1 PC. Pink petals
- 1 PC. Ginseng
Total: 220,000 gold coins.
The reward for completing Level 19 is 20 diamonds, 1,400 gold coins.